Inception of NFTs aka Non Fungible Tokens

Nearly anything can be represented as ownership with NFTs (non-fungible tokens), including digital art and virtual real estate. In the world of digital assets, proving ownership has frequently proven challenging. However, since the advent of NFTs, proving ownership has become…

NFT Can Empower the Artists: Here’s How

The emergence of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) has ushered in a new era of digital art. Unique digital assets known as NFTs can be purchased, sold, or exchanged much like conventional cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, are not interchangeable like conventional…

Is NFT Worth It for the Art Market?

Is NFT worth it or not?

The majority of us have undoubtedly heard of the buzzword “NFT” by this point. Cryptocurrency and new media projects are garnering more attention than ever because of the epidemic, which is setting the standard for distant auctions and innovative methods…

Van Gogh’s 84.2 Million Dollar Painting gets Vandalized

Videos that were shared on social media showed that environmental activists in London threw tomato soup on a painting by Vincent van Gogh called “Sunflowers” that was on display at the National Gallery. The Metropolitan Police of London said that…
