Photojournalism by Subrata Biswas

Photojournalism Done by this Photographer cannot be Missed by You

To capture memories, to relive the moments, to keep the loved ones who are far but close to our hearts in front of our eyes. Photography plays a very important role in that. Not just photography nowadays we have sketches, wax sculptures and so much more.

But of course, what photography does cannot be replaced by any of the substitutes. Honestly, I am not a photo person, but candid images do attract me a lot. Because they are all-natural and real memory-capturing moments.

What is photojournalism?

News that is shown to us in the format of any image is what photojournalism means. And the documentary, social documentary, war, or street photography are distinct from photojournalism. Similar to the news reporter, photojournalists do have a very precise job to do.

A tale to describe- photojournalism

There’s something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery.

-Stefan Kenfar

And the photographs we saw just do tell a powerful story it’s rare and has a very strong vibe coming out through it. Subrata Biswas is a photojournalist who is from Kolkata and his work on photojournalism has been published by Hindustan Times under Subrata being a staff journalist.

Subrata Biswas
Subrata Biswas

Engineer in IT is currently pursuing his dream of photography and his 10+ years of experience in photography gives him more clarity to work on the lesser side of the news such as human rights, child rights, women empowerment natural calamities, and much more.

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Articles: 77