Is it just me or does it happen with you as well? Whenever I hear phrases or quotes like ‘Smash the patriarchy‘ or ‘break the bias‘ my rush loads itself up with utter excitement about what exactly it holds.
As we all know art in any form is powerful means of expression and it can literally change the perception and break the barriers that can bring out a fierce change in society; in this social media plays a very important role not just for emerging artists but also for the viewers to have a side of comfort that they aren’t the only one surviving.
Shattering the taboo and extending help can be done with artistic illustrations and these 5 artists are living proof of why every voice needs to be heard without riding the rule book made by the so-called society.
1. Illustration by Kully Rehal
Residing in the UK, Rehal’s heart is forever dedicated to Indianness and positivity for women that is oozing out in her amazing artworks. These pictures are naturally flaunting the desires and smashing the old rag of stereotypes.

Her desi twist in international characters is just so fine that it makes the audience go wow with one quick look. Her inspiration to draw such characters is to celebrate the voices of the elder community that is suffocated under the typecasting.
2. Illustrator Ayush Kalra
And not just female artists but also male artists can bring up the desirable representation of how badly the stereotypes need to be smashed and here our Delhi-based artist Ayush Kalra is doing an absolutely stunning job in creating such illustrations. His fairness cream cartoon took social media storm in 2020.

“There can be no human rights agenda, there can be no better world and no sustainable development goals without a feminist agenda. It will simply fall apart without it and men need to be a part of it.”
-Ayush Kalra.
3. Illustration by Hricha Nilawar
As they say, there is beauty in simplicity, Hricha the Berlin-based artist shows us how much accuracy this simple sentence holds. Her illustrations showcase the pride of Indian women who have given a great contribution to building a better and equal world.

Her adorable art series is an attempt to make her daughter stay connected with her Indian roots as she is a mother raising her child outside India.
“When I work on any illustration, my daughter who is about to turn 4 would always ask who the character is and what they did. At one point, I thought this a good opportunity to introduce her to strong-minded women from India and imbibe what real feminism is actually about.”
-Hricha Nilawar.
4. Artist Tracey
Tracey and her illustrations are perfect synonyms of Boss lady, unapologetic, and pro-woman. Her artwork portrays a flawless picture of a feminine, cutting out all the shyness and adding more of a natural and audacious avatar.

Her illustrations roam around the most common and frequently occurring tags given to a woman that is either on her clothes or her skin shade.
5. Artist Priyanka Paul
Mumbai-based artist Priyanka is one of a kind that befits into moving boldly without entertaining the stereotypes. With her inspiration who is her mother, she is a channel of change who is invested in current affairs that has a topic from the free nipple movement to representation in brown pop art.

“There’s only so much I can do to change that, however, it starts a conversation, about issues that are hidden and not spoken about and I believe it’s important to address so many issues that we have and to engage in healthy discussion that might lead to potential change in society. Today, I have no doubt that art can be used as a tool for activism and awareness and hence bring about subsequent positive change in society.”
-Priyanka Paul.