musical instrument

5 Good Reasons Why Musical Instruments should be learnt

Importance of Musical instruments

musical instrument

Musical instruments play a very important role in life. It was theorized and studied for years; How does the human brain benefit from learning to play a musical instrument? First, let’s have a look at the brain which is the most important muscle in your body. Much like an athlete going to the gym every day to strengthen their muscles, people need to train and strengthen their brains.

Many people approach this in different ways, some read challenging texts, some play cognitive brain games, some even learn a new language. However, the brain needs to be fed to grow. Learning to play a musical instrument not only supports and nourishes the brain but also improves many other cognitive and physical aspects of the human body.

1. Playing a Musical Instrument Improves Memory.

musical instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument has been extensively studied and has been shown to improve memory. Not only does it improve your cognitive memory, but it also improves muscle memory. To learn to play a musical instrument, you need to use both the right and left parts of your brain. So work harder and improve your memory. This is supported by Maestro Eduardo Marturet, who explains: “…

Research has shown that listening to a musical instrument at a young age can help improve a child’s learning ability and memory by stimulating different developmental patterns. Scientists even have used musical instrument training as a neurorehabilitation method to improve brain function.

2. Music Helps Relieve Stress

music releasing stress

Music has a unique effect on our emotions, it can make us happy or sad, or even heighten the current emotions we are feeling. Studies have shown that music can help you to stay calm. It has even been shown to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn lowers the stress hormone cortisol and makes us feel relaxed. While listening to music helps, research has shown that learning to play an instrument brings comfort and daily repetition that help keep stress at bay.
According to the theory of psychologist Michael Jolkovski, it can help reduce stress by helping people connect with other people.

“Psychologist Jane Collingwood also reiterates the claim that music can relieve stress by saying,” … Music can have tremendously relaxing effects on the mind and body, especially slow, quiet music … This type of music can have a positive effect on our physiological functions by lowering the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure and lowering the level of stress hormones.

3. Makes you smarter!

music makes you smarter

Extensive research has shown that those who had a musical education were generally smarter than their counterparts. Children who learned to play musical instruments did better in their academic studies than children who did not. This is closely related to the improvements that learning a musical instrument affects the mind. Because both sides of the brain are involved, not only does it develop memory, it also develops other skills.

It is reported that “… music training is far superior to computer lessons in dramatically improving thinking skills in math and science. “There are more studies in children and adults showing a relationship between music education and academic success. Of course, some of the brightest people in the world have devoted themselves primarily to music education, and even Einstein stated,

” Life without playing music is unimaginable. “For me … I see my life in music … I enjoy music more.

4. It can boost your confidence and make you feel like you’ve achieved something.

music boosts selfconfidense

As with any new task, once you feel comfortable and familiar with what you are doing, your confidence will build to complete that task. This also applies to musical instruments. The more knowledge and understanding you have about your musical instrument, the more confidence you naturally have in your abilities. Teachers are discovering that playing an instrument on a public platform can help children feel safe when presenting their work in a non-academic context.
It builds up your confidence and gives you an immense sense of achievement.

5. It is fun!

music is fun

“The art of music is so deep and profound that it needs to be approached with a little intensity and great loving joy.”

While there is a lot of scientific reason suggesting why music training is so beneficial. You should learn to play a musical instrument simply because it’s incredibly fun. People fill their lives with hobbies that make them happy and give them the opportunity to escape the monotonous repetition of everyday life. Music has a special quality to bring joy, peace and contentment that helps lift the spirit and make life more comfortable for everyone involved.

Feeling inspired to start learning? No time like the present! Book your free trial lesson for Tabla (Indian percussion instrument). Contact BAX for more details.

Indrajeet Bose
Indrajeet Bose
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