As I have said earlier, art in any form does magic, and by this, I mean it when it comes to influencing the mind not just to feel the peace; But to also get inspired and follow the passion you are carrying within.
The Era of Digital Art
Graphics, pixel art, illustrations and so much more has come to explore and I am learning new things about art daily. And count on me learning about art with a fusion of digital era is the most thrilling activity.

Illustrations On Fleek
When I first came across these illustrations they melted my heart and I could just adore and say how cute and vibrant they were. Artist Maike Prosoli is truly a subtle designer when it comes to stealing hearts she surely knows how to do it.

Illustration Art that Grabs the Attention
Maike Prosoli is the illustration artist who is also the master in product designing. She hones her illustration skills in free time and manages to create different ideas and exchange the same with her coworkers.

Her book Lumi is doing magic in removing the uncertainties of children in the darkness, by illustrating a firefly that happens to fear the gloomy surroundings. And her amazing illustration printed products are also availabe on spreadshirt.

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