The elements of art are truly exceptional and one of them is literature. May it be a single quote or a whole set of poems, the power of literature is really matchless, word by word one can create a chain of sentences that fits so well that it becomes the most memorable piece ever.
For me, words play an influential role, they can either take you upward or can slide you down to the endless bottom of nothingness. Even nature reacts to our words. Really!! When a tree is surrounded by positive words it flourishes twice but when the same is said with harsh and negative words it wilts in just a week.
Now as I am talking so much about words, literature, and poems you must’ve guessed what this whole article is about. Yes!! Poets and their fabulous masterpieces are still alive and golden in the hearts of literature fans.
1. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
A poet, essayist, freedom fighter, and patriot, Ramdhari Singh was a rebel because of his nationalist poetry that was written in the days before the Indian Independence. He has been upheld as a national poet and is deeply connected to poetry lovers.

रात यों कहने लगा मुझसे गगन का चाँद,
आदमी भी क्या अनोखा जीव होता है!
उलझनें अपनी बनाकर आप ही फँसता,
और फिर बेचैन हो जगता, न सोता है।
जानता है तू कि मैं कितना पुराना हूँ?
मैं चुका हूँ देख मनु को जनमते-मरते;
और लाखों बार तुझ-से पागलों को भी
चाँदनी में बैठ स्वप्नों पर सही करते।
आदमी का स्वप्न? है वह बुलबुला जल का;
आज उठता और कल फिर फूट जाता है;
किन्तु, फिर भी धन्य; ठहरा आदमी ही तो?
बुलबुलों से खेलता, कविता बनाता है।
मैं न बोला, किन्तु, मेरी रागिनी बोली,
देख फिर से, चाँद! मुझको जानता है तू?
स्वप्न मेरे बुलबुले हैं? है यही पानी?
आग को भी क्या नहीं पहचानता है तू?
मैं न वह जो स्वप्न पर केवल सही करते,
आग में उसको गला लोहा बनाती हूँ,
और उस पर नींव रखती हूँ नये घर की,
इस तरह दीवार फ़ौलादी उठाती हूँ।
मनु नहीं, मनु-पुत्र है यह सामने, जिसकी
कल्पना की जीभ में भी धार होती है,
बाण ही होते विचारों के नहीं केवल,
स्वप्न के भी हाथ में तलवार होती है।
स्वर्ग के सम्राट को जाकर खबर कर दे,
“रोज ही आकाश चढ़ते जा रहे हैं वे,
रोकिये, जैसे बने इन स्वप्न वालों को,
स्वर्ग की ही ओर बढ़ते आ रहे हैं वे।
– रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’
Harindra Dave
Harindra Dave was the post-independence Gujarati poet, journalist, and novelist who received the Sahitya Akademi Award, in 1978. His literature was a notable work that caught the attention of newspapers and magazines.

મહેકમાં મહેક મળી જાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો
તેજમાં તેજ મળી જાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો
રાહ જુદો જો ફંટાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો
શ્વાસની લીલા સમેટાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો.
દીર્ઘ યાત્રાની જરૂરતથી સજ્જ થઈ જઈને
એક મંઝિલની લગન આંખે ઉતરવા દઈને
ભાનની ક્ષણને કાળજીથી સમેટી લઈને
‘આવજો’ કહીને કોઈ જાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો.
જે નરી આંખે જણાયું ન એ તત્વ કળવા
જે અગોચર છે એ અસ્તિત્વને હરદમ મળવા,
દૂર દુનિયાના રહસ્યોનો તાગ મેળવવા
દ્રષ્ટી જો આંખથી છલકાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો.
શબ્દ ક્યાં પહોંચે છે તે જાતે નિરખવા માટે
ભાન ની સૃષ્ટીની સિમાને પરખવા માટે
દિલના વિસ્તારની દુનિયાઓમાં વસવા માટે
કોઈ મહેફીલથી ઊઠી જાય તો મૃત્યુ ન કહો.
– હરીન્દ્ર દવે
Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet who passionately believed in the use of music, poetry, and dance as a way to reach god. Rumi’s poem can transcend the emotions of love, joy, and inner peace over any material existence.

Thou and I
Happy the moment when we are seated in the Palace, thou and I.
With two forms and with two figures but with one soul, thou and I.
The colours of the grove and the voice of the birds will bestow immortality
At the time when we come into the garden, thou and I.
The stars of heaven will come to gaze upon us;
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